SR-X超灵敏单分子蛋白检测系统是Ouanterix公司最新推出的基于Simoa@技术的桌面型分析仪。致力于帮助研究人员在一个紧凑、高效的系统中获得超高灵敏度的蛋白质和核酸检测能力。SR-X可同时在血液中直接检测高达4种生物标志物,样本体积小,帮助节约珍贵的样本和降低实验成本,同时数据具备极佳的重复性和准确性。研究人员可使用超过80种Simoa@商品化试剂盒检测重要的生物标志物,适应各种样本类型,灵敏度比传统ELISA高出1000倍,可检测正常和疾病情况下的生物标志物水平。此外,SR-X还为研究人员提供了更为灵活地客制化实验(Homebrew方案,用户可自行开发新的靶点,从血液中检测蛋白质(Protein)、核酸(Nucleic Acid)或者miRNA等标志物,不再需要复杂的提取和易出错的扩增步骤。整体检测灵敏度与全自动的HD-XTM分析仪保持一致,操作灵活,适合广大科研工作者的实验需求。
1.Rissin D M ,e al. Single-molecule enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay delects serum proteins at sublemtomolar concentrationsNature Biotechnology, 28(6):595-599.
2.Wendeln AC, et al. innate immune memory in the brain shapes neurological disease hallmarks Nature. 2018 Apr:556(770):332-338
3.Preische 0. et al. Serum neurohlament dynamics predicis neurodereneration and cinical proeresson in presymptomatic Alzheimer.disease. Nat Med. 2019 Feb,25(2):277-283.
4.Rotstein D, et al. Reaching an evidence-based pro gnosis or pesonalized treatment of multiple sclerosis. Nat Rev Neurol. 201gMay15(5:287-300.
5.Arboleda-Velasquez]F, et al. esistance to autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease in an APOE3 Christchurch homozygote: a casereport. Mat Med. 2019 Nov:25(1D:1680-1683.
6. Gate D, et al. Clonally expanded CD8 T cells patrol the cerebrospinal fluid in Alzheimer's disease. Nature. 2020lan:57707790399-404.
7.Thjssen EH, et al. Diagnostic value of plasma phosphorylated tau81 in Alzheimer's disease and frontotempora! lobar degenerationMat Med. 2020 Mar:26(3):387-397.
8. Gao F,et al. A combination model of AD biomarkers revealed by machine leaming precisely predicts Alzheimer's dementia: ChinaAging and Neurodegenerative lnitiative (CANDD study. Alzheimers Dement 2022 un 6.9.
9.Jiang, Y, et al. An ILIRL1 geneic variant lowers soluble 5T2 levels and the risk efects of APOE-E4 in female patients with Alzheimer'sdisease Nat Aging 2, 616-634(2022).
10.Wang L, et al. Association of erebrospinal Fluid Neuroflament Heawy Protein Levels With Clinical Pro gression in Patients WithParkinson Disease. ]AMA Netw Open. 2022 ]ul 1:5(7):e2223821.
Laing AG,et al. A dynamic COMD-19 immune signature includes associations with poor prognosis. Nat Med. 2020 0ct26(10):1623-1635
Shi Y, et al Targeting LIF-mediated paracrine interaction for pancreatic cancer therapy and monitoring. Nature. 2019May:569(7754):31-135.
Chen P, et al. Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony Stimulating Faclor in Single Blastocyst Conditioned Medjum as a Biomarker for Predict-ing lmplantation Outcome of Embryo. Front lmmunol. 2021Jun 3012:679839.
GaoF,Hong X, Ding F, Huang 5, Ljan W, Wang H,Zheng W, Ni], Chen M, Lju Q.High Level of nfammatory ytokines in the Tears: ABrid ge of Patients with Concomitant Exo tropia and Dry Eye. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2021 0ct 7,2021:5662550
Casey KA, et al. Modulation of Cardiometabolic Disease Markers by Type interteron lnhibition in 5ystemic Lupus ErythematosusArthritis Rheumatol 2021 Mar733)459-471.
Wihersaaril, et al. Neuro filament light as an outcome prediclor after cardiac arrest a post hoc analysis of the COMACARE trial. intensiveCare Med.2020.
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